This June, the week the 19th, our youth will be going on a mission to Atlanta!! It may not seem far away, but they will be in a different world. The world of homelessness. Our youth will be working with organizations in Atlanta who help and serve the homeless. They will be working to raise $750 for their June experience. Please help out as you are able, your gifts are appreciated!
One of the fund raisers for our youth mission trip is the Samaritan Saver Card.
This Card allows you to activate discounts online at thousand of merchants, shops, restaurants, movies, entertainment, groceries and more!! After you activate your card, (which is good for one year!!!) you can search for the discounts in our area, buy on line, or copy coupons and begin saving money immediately!! The cost of the card is $20 and the proceeds help fund our summer mission trip. For more info go to