Good morning, precious friends. Oh, how I miss meeting with you. I am praying that all are well. Please let us know if you have any needs or prayer requests. Although, we cannot meet together in person for these two Sundays, we can still meet through the wonderful world of technology. Next Sunday, I plan to video a message that will be on YouTube.
In the Season of Lent, we are committing to spending time listening. We found our listening space. We committed to listen to the Holy Spirit. Today let’s talk about listening to His Word.
Perhaps, at this time of confinement, we can, more than ever practice the Lenten discipline of listening. Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” So, instead of fretting and worrying, let’s dig into the word.
The planned Scripture for today is Luke 8: 4-15. I encourage you to take a moment to read this passage. It is a familiar story, the parable of the soils.
In this parable, Jesus says that hearing is all about mental attitude. There are 4 kinds of attitudes: hard (like the path), rocky (without any root), thorny (choking out the word), good (accepting and hearing).
I think that we all have times that we exhibit each of these attitudes.
1. “Some seed fell on the path and it was trampled on and the birds of the air came and ate it up” The path is packed down and hard so the seed cannot take root. This type of attitude could be a hard heart or a closed mind. Sometimes, when we read Scripture with a closed mind, we only hear what we want to hear and we allow Satan to twist God’s Word to suit our own desires. We have a closed mind when we are full of pride, thinking we know what is best for us and our family.
We have a closed mind when we do not believe that God speaks to us. Sometimes we read Scripture as a history book or a rule book. My friends, God speaks through Scripture and it is a love letter to us. From Genesis to Revelation, it is a message of salvation through grace.
We also have a closed mind when we are full of fear. Today, fear has gripped our nation. It is robbing us of something very precious, human contact. Now, I believe that the measures we are taking are justified. We must practice “social distancing” if this pandemic is ever to be stopped. And so, instead of standing before you, I am writing a message and sending through email and Facebook. Next Sunday, I will preach to an empty Sanctuary, and I will have to imagine the Amens and the smiling faces. Some critics say that fear has won out but from what I have seen, the Body of Christ is even closer, since we can’t meet. God brings good out of bad.
So, friends, let us spend these weeks, reading God’s Word with an open mind and listen to what God is saying to us. Look at this time as a gift, taking away our busyness so that we can truly listen to God.
2. “Other seed fell on shallow soil with rock beneath. This seed began to grow but soon withered and died for lack of moisture.” We have to make time to hear Him. We have to slow down and be quiet. I know, for me, I read my devotional in the morning, say a quick prayer, and begin my day. It’s like I want to hear from God but I’m in too big of a hurry. Well, folks, all of a sudden, our lives have slowed down. I have had a busy week, expected a busy week-end and an even busier week. I have had trouble writing a message for today and when I had time to really meditate and listen to what He is saying through His Word, it takes on a completely different meaning. The rocky soil is a shallow mind, hearing but not really listening. Use this time to be still and meditate on His Word.
3. “Other seed fell among the thorns which grew up with it and choked the plants.” This is the attitude when we are choked by life’s worries. Well, there are a lot of worries right now. When we listen to the news or read the paper, it is really scary. The number of cases keep climbing. People are dying. And we certainly need to take precautions. We should keep up with recommendations and progress being made to halt this virus spread. But we also must take some time, turn off the TV or internet or Facebook and devote some time to God’s Word.
A thorn can be anything that distracts us from making time to truly understand God’s Word. Usually that might be work or family or social events. But even with a lot of our events out of our lives for a short time, we are now distracted by the world’s situation. Gather your family around and read God’s Word together, pray together. Don’t let the thorns choke out your faith.
4. “The seed on the good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart who hear the Word of God and retain it and by persevering produce a good crop.” This attitude hears with a willing heart and mind. It’s all a matter of trust. We are in a scary time and God expects us to use common sense but then trust God. Read His Word and trust what it says. Help your neighbor. Stay in touch (without touching) through phone or email, FaceBook, Twitter or what ever social media you use. Don’t waste this time. How can you represent Christ today?
Please pray with me:
Loving Father, there is a lot of fear today. We ask that during today and the days to come that you direct us to words of Scripture that can ease our fear and pain. Help us to use this time to truly listen to you and to respond as you call us. We know that you are in the middle of this storm and you will never leave us. We pray for those in our community who are sick and ask that you comfort them. And we ask that we are receptive to your Spirit when we are guided to help those in need.
We especially pray for the homeless who have no way to distance themselves and very little access to health care. Guide us in ways we can help.
We pray for the healthcare workers. Keep them safe and give them strength.
Lord God, we are trusting you to bring us through this crisis. We commit to listen to you for guidance and to turn our fear into hope.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Please let me hear from you if any needs
email [email protected]
Love you all,
Pastor Angie
In His Service,
Rev. Angie Crummie