The Prodigal Daughter
I put in my bio a couple of weeks ago that one of my favorite stories in scripture is the Prodigal Daughter. I love that my God is waiting for me no matter what. I am blessed beyond words.
This week I read the following devotion from the book God Whispers: His Words to a Listening Heart, by Sue Piper and Sandy Petty. (This is one of my favorite devotional books, thanks to my friend Liz for the recommendation,)
July 31
But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. Luke 15:20
“I watched for you, for all the years of your wasteful straying; I watched for you, longing for your return, longing to tell you that My love for you hadn’t died, and that I hadn’t closed My bank account for you just because you had already spent, already squandered what I had given you. When you turned towards Me, before you even got to Me, I saw you and My heart was filled with compassion towards you – not judgment, not lecture, not reminders of your sin, not a list of punishments or consequences, not even disappointment or grief, but compassion. And I picked up the hem of my robe, threw My crown to the ground and ran to you. I did not wait for you to step into My presence head bowed, sin sick, tear laden. I did not cause you to wonder if you could meet my gaze, wonder if you would see eyes of judgment or anger or hurt or disgust. Instead, I lost all dignity, all rights, all boundaries and ran to you!
O child, know that your return in no way disappointed Me. Know that I did not, not for a moments harbor anything in My heart for you except joy, compassion, and eager expectation. I did not care about your sin, your defiance, your disregard. I cared only that you came back. I offered you no cloak of shame, emblazoned no scarlet letter on your forehead, and did not wait for you with words of censure or even for you to ask for My forgiveness before I ran to you and embrace you.
That is My heart for you, always and eternally My heart for you. Love with no strings attached, love and compassion that is not earned, love that only is. When you have spent all and come up empty in the world’s economy, there you will find Me, running to meet you, full of compassion, and eager to take you into My arms. Do not think of your unworthiness; think only of My love for you that waited for you to choose to return. My gift to you child; to see you, to have compassion on you, to run to you, and to embrace you.”
I was moved to tears as I read this. Tears of great joy that I am so loved…so are you!!! These are words from God for you and me, every day and always. Thank you God!!
What a timely word for all of us. So many in the Body of Christ are paralyzed by our failures. How blessed we are to know that Jesus paid the price once and for all. We can run into the arms of our Father God and know we are loved and accepted. How freeing is that! Thanks Anne for reminding us.