Praying for all in horrific circumstances in Texas. Special prayers for those awaiting rescue as flood waters rise. Grateful for all in the rescue effort. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers.
—Bishop Sue
August 28 Update
As North Georgia Disaster Response Team coordinates across the Conference and across the connection, two priorities rise to the top: Prayer and UMCOR funding.
Donations can be made to UMCOR through any North Georgia Conference United Methodist Church. Clearly mark “UMCOR: US Disaster Response” ( Fund Number 4390). Or give online at UMCOR’s website.
The communities in the path of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey are in the emergency phase, and in this phase local emergency responders and community officials control the response and will let us know what they need and when they need us. This will take time to play out, and will require our time and attention long after the fact.
At this point, we issue an invitation to join the work in Lumberton, NC or any of the Hurricane Matthew devastated areas as the need is great and our best energy can be put to work right now! (Click here to read more about needs in Lumberton and how to volunteer.)
UMCOR has let us know that there is a need for Relief Supplies. Find assembly instructions at If your church is assembling Relief Kits, contact Terry Raymond, the volunteer North Georgia Conference warehouse coordinator. He may be reached at [email protected] or 770-843-2791.
In addition to UMCOR Relief Kits, please consider donating items for muck-out, including:
Box fans (To dry out houses following flooding.)
25’ heavy duty 14 gauge extension cords (To move the fans around inside a home)
2 gallon garden sprayers (To fight mildew and mold)
Flat billed shovels (Remove mud, wet carpet, pads, sheet rock insulation, etc.)
Rakes with 3” tines (Remove tree limbs, leaves and muck from inside homes and yards)
Wheel barrows (2 wheels, so they will not turn over going to the street)