I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. Ephesians 1:16 (NIV)
Hello, dear friends. I do indeed give thanks for each one of you and keep you in my prayers. After only two Sundays at Fields Chapel, I love all of you dearly, even though I may not have met you individually. I know the Holy Spirit is present in all of you and long for the time when we can meet again.
As you have probably heard, there are new recommendations out which will affect our worship services and other activities. Until the end of March, we are to suspend any gatherings over 10 people. And the CDC previously recommended no gatherings over 50 for 8 weeks which would take us into May.
A few of us will conduct video a service and have it on YouTube every Sunday. You can get to this here and also on our You Tube Channel. This Sunday is 4th Sunday in Lenten series “Listen”. This week is “Listening for Healing”
If you have any prayer requests, please send to Pastor Angie at [email protected].
Update on Joe Kadlec : He is still in Kennestone hospital. He now has little movement in his hands. Praise God! He can have visitors, per Draha, but a lot of hospitals are limiting visitors
We still are collecting clothes & hygiene items for the homeless and food for MUST. There is now a greater need than ever. We cannot forget those in need.
Please remember that the expenses of the church continue even though we are not meeting on Sundays. You may mail your offerings to P.O. Box 1633, Canton, Ga. 30169
Regrettably, this crisis may take us through the Lenten and Easter season. We will continue to find ways to stay connected and worship together even if not in person.
Let’s remember one thing. This Easter may be different from anything we have ever done, but one thing is constant and unchanging. Jesus Christ died on the cross that we might have life abundantly and in three days He rose from the dead and lives forevermore. Nothing, my friends, can change that!
Love you all
Pastor Angie