Parent Meeting rescheduled for Wednesday, January 15th at 6:30 p.m. at the chapel.
We ask that at least one parent/guardian be in attendance for our first meeting of 2014 and we encourage you to attend the potluck supper that will take place prior to the meeting at 5:45 p.m. We will be discussing several upcoming events so please bring your calendar.
GIFT Club 2014 Events:
Annual Dodgeball Tournament
Souper Bowl of Caring
Valentine’s Day Dinner
March Mission Madness
Lent Passion Play
Mission Trip
Special Outings
We will be discussing all of this and more at our meeting on January 15th. We need YOU to make these events a possibility for our youth. Please join us!
McEachern Memorial United Methodist Church Annual Dodgeball Tournament
Sunday, January 26th at 11:00 a.m. departure
Cost: $5.00 We recommned that you pack a lunch and have funds available for snacks and dinner, if needed. Concessions will be offered. Please contact Karen McLees [email protected] or Shannon McNutt at [email protected] if you are available to drive and/or chaperone and would like to volunteer for this event. We cannot attend unless we have MALE AND FEMALE CHAPERONES and drivers for the event. You can also sign up, volunteer and get more information for this event electronically by visiting
Valentine’s Day Candlelight Dinner to celebrate God’s everlasting love for us Sponsored by The GIFT Club
Saturday, February 8th at 6:00 p.m. The youth are ready to serve you and only ask in return that you grace them with your presence, your prayers and your gratuity (tips) for their labor of love. Proceeds to benefit the GIFT Club’s chosen monthly mission (yet to be determined). More information to come.
March Mission Madness beginning Saturday, March 29th- Saturday, April 5th during Spring Break. Details coming soon!
Connect to our Dropbox for all important documents and forms.
To sign up for the Dodgeball Tournament go here
Shannon McNutt
Youth Director
GIFT (God Is For Teens) Club
Fields Chapel United Methodist Church