Trunk or Treat

Fun, fun, fun! Volunteers will decorate their car trunks and truck beds for Halloween and let children “ trick or treat” out of them. And best of all… it’ s a safe way for kids of all ages to trick or treat! Everyone is invited to come and dress-up…even adults! The fun begins at 6:00pm on Saturday October 27th.

2012 Youth Mission Trip

Sunday, June 24th thru Saturday, June 30th Sumter County is in the central western part of Alabama and is close to Meridian, Mississippi. This is ARM’s founding site and began in 1998. Livingston is located in Sumter County and is best known for being the home of The University of West Alabama. Sumter County is…

Career Ministry Quick Start Workshop

Weathering the Storm Cherokee, on Saturday, April 14 at 8:30am will kick-off a one-day “Quick Start” workshop teaching important strategies to quickly find the work God designed for you. It covers a variety of topics such as managing the stress of job loss and job search, finding your ideal job, navigating career transi- tions, productive…

Dave Ramsey Live in Atlanta

The Total Money Makeover LIVE Event is the LARGEST event on personal finances in the U.S. – period. Why? Because it’s fun. In fact, it’s the most fun you’ll ever have learning how to win with money. The largest, most exciting event on personal finance is coming to Atlanta on Saturday, January 21, 2012 and…

Six Key Financial Principles

Last Sunday our congregation reviewed the Six Key Financial Principles. In case you missed it, please take time to read these principles and Scriptures. They will make a great table devotional for you and your family. By practicing these biblical principles, all of us can find greater simplicity, contentment, generosity, and joy for our lives. Pay…

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

The Parables of Jesus Are you interested in a weekday Bible Study? Rev. Anne leads study on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am at The Chapel. This is open to any and everyone!! The cost for the current study guides will be $3.00. If you cannot afford a study guide…no problem…they will be available for you. For those interested in…