Must Ministries
Must Ministries We are in need of the following items for Thanksgiving Dinner: 400 Boxes of Stuffing Due November 15, 2013
Must Ministries We are in need of the following items for Thanksgiving Dinner: 400 Boxes of Stuffing Due November 15, 2013
Fields Chapel UMC invites you to get your “can” to church every Sunday. We have bins from MUST Ministries to collect your canned goods. If everyone shared just ONE CAN every week we could help MUST Ministries keep Food Pantry fully stocked.
Once again, Fields Chapel is excited to be involved with the MUST Summer Lunch Program. We will be preparing 900 lunches on Wednesday morning, June 20th at 7:30AM. This is a great opportunity for adults, youth and children to serve the community. Please bring your friends too!
Dear friends, Thank you for your continued support for the Thanksgiving Food Basket Program at MUST Ministries. This program has its roots in the very origin of the Thanksgiving holiday, as those first settlers gave thanks to God for His provision through the assistance of others.
If you would like to donate any items, you can either bring them to the Fields Chapel or directly to MUST Ministries in downtown Canton on W. Marietta St. The following items are currently in need.
MUST Ministries needs your help! If you would like to donate any items, you can either bring them to the Fields Chapel or directly to MUST Ministries in downtown Canton on W. Marietta St.